Harper GraphicSolutions™ Leads Anilox Sleeve Education - Customers, Suppliers and OEMs Gather for Free Seminar
Published: 09.17.2008

Charlotte, N.C., September 17, 2008 - Recently, Harper GraphicSolutions™, the technical service arm of global anilox supplier Harper Corporation of America, hosted an engaging educational seminar about anilox sleeve care for Harper customers, flexo suppliers and OEMs. More than 50 guests gathered for the presentations at the Harper National Flexographic Center on the Harper Campus of Central Piedmont Community College.
With their typical relaxed and witty repartee, the technical service professionals of Harper Corporation of America presented a full day of insight and experience, including extensive information about: " Anilox Sleeve Construction " Sleeves vs. Rolls - Operational Differences " Anilox Sleeve Care & Storage " Ordering Specifications and Inspection & Repair Services
Paul Teachout, Harper GraphicSolutions Southeast Technical Graphics Advisor; Alan Rogers, Harper Southeast Technical Account Manager; and Tony Donato, Harper Product and Process Development Engineer, all shared anecdotes about their field experiences with anilox sleeve damage and maintenance. With photos included in their presentations, the experts discussed the importance of proper handling, storage and cleaning, including specs for soda blasting and the proper settings for the FlexoWash, the importance of neutralizing after chemical cleaning, and the damage that can befall sleeves that are not cleaned and dried thoroughly. According to Donato, "Slide the sleeve off of the mandrel regularly to clean underneath on those long-mounted colors like white -- when ink gets between the sleeve and the mandrel, the ink becomes like glue!"
The symposium finished with a tour of Harper Corporation's nearby manufacturing facility, where participants observed anilox sleeves being inspected and engraved; saw an echotopography demonstration of volume measurement; and embarked on a Harper GraphicSolutions lab tour to see a HarperScientific Sleeve Wrak in action, observe audits and doctor blade analysis, and participate in a Q and A session.
At day's end, participants completed evaluations: The results indicate that the seminar was a great success, and the group appreciated the opportunity to attend. The vast majority rated the presenters, the programs and the usefulness of the information as "excellent," and without exception, the participants unanimously indicated that they would recommend this seminar to a colleague.
For further information, please contact Jazmin Kluttz at 704-588-3371 or jkluttz@harperimage.com.