Phoenix Challenge Foundation Launches Katherine Harper Teachers Education Fund
Published: 04.17.2007

Charlotte, N.C., April 17, 2007 - Bettylyn Krafft, chairman of the Phoenix Challenge Foundation, recently announced the creation of the "Katherine Harper Teachers Education Fund," named in honor of the flexo industry veteran, former Harper Corporation of America president, and long-time champion of flexo education. The fund will be managed by the Phoenix Challenge Foundation.
The purpose of the fund is to further the education of flexo instructors at both the high school and college level, through a wide variety of opportunities.
Krafft said, "We are very pleased, but not surprised, that Katherine Harper initiated this important and timely program with a $100,000 commitment. She recognized the need for more intensive and broader flexo education for instructors, and acted to fill that need."
Mrs. Harper added, "Ron and I have been extremely impressed with the tenacity, persistence and dedication of Bettylyn, the Phoenix Challenge Foundation board of directors, and the entire group of industry volunteers who have brought the organization and the Phoenix Challenge International High School Flexo Competition to the professional level it has achieved over a short period of time. We believe that offering the industry's dedicated teachers additional opportunities and experiences through this fund can only enrich the flexo community as a whole."
To inquire about establishing a special individual or company fund with the Phoenix Challenge Foundation, or to learn more about the Phoenix Challenge International High School Flexo Competition or the new PC College competition, email Bettylyn Krafft at (continued)
About the Phoenix Challenge Foundation Founded in 1998, the Phoenix Challenge Foundation is an all-volunteer not-for-profit organization of industry professionals dedicated to the recruitment and development of the future workforce of flexography. Each year, flexo high school students and teachers from throughout the U.S. and Canada are invited to the Phoenix Challenge, a two-day skill-based competition with hands-on and written testing in operating a flexo press, prepress, plate-making, and overall flexo knowledge. Winners are eligible for scholarships funded by the Phoenix Challenge Foundation. To date, $21,000 in scholarships has been awarded to encourage students to pursue further education and a career in flexography.
For additional information or to make donations, please visit The Phoenix Challenge Foundation - 6805 Pleasant Grove Road, Waxhaw, NC 28173
For further information, please contact Jazmin Kluttz at 704-588-3371 or